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How to Stop Mold from Growing on Your Wood Pallets

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How to Stop Mold from Growing on Your Wood Pallets

How to Stop Mold from Growing on Your Wood Pallets

In the case of natural materials, such as wood mould is always a possibility. Fungal decay can compromise the structure of your pallets made of wood and can cause contamination of the materials being carried on them. Mould can also cause asthma and other respiratory issues. Here are some suggestions to stop decay from forming on your pallets of wood.

Causes of Mold

Mould needs the following conditions for growth:

  • Oxygen
  • A food source (in this case, a wood pallet)
  • An adequate temperature
  • Water

The ozone layer is inexplicably difficult to control and it is difficult to determine the temperature in the space in which your pallets are kept particularly if you store the pallets outside. Therefore, the most effective ways to keep the growth of mould on your pallets is making your wood a non-food source and restricting the moisture content in your wood.

Controlling Moisture Content

If your pallets made of wood are made from wet or green wood, it may be difficult to control the amount of moisture. If the pallets are kept outside they could be soaked and trigger the growth of mould. The spores of mould don’t need time to grow, therefore the damage might already be done, even when the pallets are dried quickly after they’ve been wet. Kiln drying is an effective option to ensure that pallets made of wood remain mould-proof and dry however, every surface should be dried evenly.

Wood Treatments

The best way to stop mould from growing on pallets is to treat the wood. A variety of chemical treatments are available to stop fungal spores from growing on pallets made of wood. There are other eco-friendly treatments, like specific plant extracts from natural sources. The most suitable mould treatment for your wood depends on the kind of wood you use and the location in which the pallets are kept.

Guard your pallets from the dangers of mould by making sure the wood is dry and well-treated. Pallet Management Group offers heat-treated pallets to protect against insect and natural infestations in an environmentally-conscious way. For more information on prevention measures against mould and other wood treatment options, please contact our team at Pallet Management Group.

Also Read: Wood Pallets Within the Global Supply Chain

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