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The Benefits of Wood Pallets Versus Plastic Pallets

The Benefits of Wood Pallets Versus Plastic Pallets

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The Benefits of Wood Pallets Versus Plastic Pallets

The Benefits of Wood Pallets Versus Plastic Pallets

There’s a longstanding debate in the transportation, storage and logistics industry about the benefits of wood pallets versus plastic pallets. While plastic pallets may be the more environmentally-conscious option, wood pallets are the type of shipping material you should use if you’re concerned about reducing your company’s ecological footprint. Here is more information about the benefits of using wood shipping pallets rather than plastic ones.

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Sustainably Sourced Wood

You may be worried that choosing wood pallets may contribute to the continued deforestation of Canadian forests. However, according to the Canadian Wood Pallet and Container Association, over 150 million hectares of the country’s forests are certified as sustainably managed, with less than 0.2 per cent harvested yearly.

For the most part, trees aren’t cut down for the sole purpose of making wood pallets. Usually, the less desirable timber aspects left after other manufacturing processes are used to create wood pallets. Wood pallets sourced from the leftover lumber of sustainably harvested trees have a negative carbon footprint compared to other packaging materials, such as plastic, which is sourced from oil.

Less Energy Required

The other reason why wood pallets are preferable to plastic ones is because they require less energy to make. Plastic pallets create a large amount of chemical pollutants during manufacturing, which is dangerous to the environment. Wood pallets, conversely, are “carbon neutral,” meaning that their production creates no change in CO2 emissions because trees absorb as much carbon in their lifetime as they emit when cut down.

Recycled and Repurposed Use

Wood pallets have a longer lifespan than plastic pallets, making them a less wasteful investment. When plastic pallets break, they become unusable and must be disposed of in landfills. Wood pallets, on the other hand, can be repaired with new wood when they crack or break. When wood pallets are finally finished, they can be recycled and repurposed into new products, such as furniture. The wood from broken pallets can also be used to manufacture refurbished pallets, allowing production to continue without cutting down new trees.

At Pallet Management Group, we are committed to providing our clients with the high-quality recycled wood pallets they’ve come to expect from us. We also buy your used and broken wood pallets so you can turn your old scraps into cash. For more information about our recycled wood pallet products and services, contact us today at Pallet Management Group.

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